"Každý má svoj názor. Občas sa niektorým ľuďom zdá, že ich názory sú si blízke. Pokiaľ mi svoj názor niekto nevnucuje, vydržím s ním chvíľu. Som vďačný za každú minútu strávenú s niekým, o kom sa mi zdá, že naše názory sú si blízke. Mimoriadne si ale vážim človeka, ktorý ma presvedčí, že jeho názor, je správnejší, než môj, lebo ma niečo naučil."

26. 8. 2011

Mobile laboratory of creative thinking

I am playing with idea about flatbed Trike (http://www.shenji.cc/, www.generis.sk) which I can simply change to Advertising trike, (or cargo trike), or pedicab.

Pedicab might be able to extend with mobile internet connection, net-book/tablet and web-cameras. (my be with large heavy-duty weatherproof screen monitors and solar cells:))

My another connected Idea's

  • mobile social network communications knot and information intermediation equipment :)
  • carrying socially underprivileged people ( shopping, to doctor's, or just walking , .. ) (not only) in larger cities for free of charge :).
  • enable them (on during transport too) to communicate over the Internet and record their experiences on the internet (You Tube, ...), online or offline, free of charge :)
  • free mobile wifi hotspot "0
  • free advertising positive thought and ideas :)
  • paid commercial advertising :|
  • in rush our :( can monitoring and online sharing traffic (or other) situation with web-cameras

Can You, Imagine so multi-kulti :) universal equipment -Mobile Cultural Creatives tool and services - in reality?

Thanks for mental, medial, or philanthropic support and sponsoring :)

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